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  • Writer's pictureBenjamin Parris

FROM BEN'S DESK: 10/11/21

Spirit Week was a P-A-R-T-Y on the Bruins Side


Although I'm a senior, and hypothetically I've experienced two "real" Spirit Weeks/Homecomings before this year, I don't remember them very well. Last week felt like a whole different experience for me, and it was undoubtedly the best one-week stretch I've had while at Cherry Creek. I told a few people this week that although Spirit Week is the most exhausting and tiring week of the year, it's the one most rewarding and fun weeks out of the entire school year. It's the epitome of community, and what it means to be a Cherry Creek Bruin.



Spirit Week truly is fun for everyone at Cherry Creek and there is something for everyone. On Monday night I was proud to watch my Class of 2022 friends win the Powerpuff championship in a game that featured just pure athleticism. Lilly Assini, Charley Gordon, and Alexandra Kugelmas who play lacrosse, basketball, and soccer respectively, played so absolutely phenomenally over the course of the night, as did the rest of their team. It was awesome to see so many athletes use skills from their sports and bring them to the gridiron.

On Tuesday, I hit the Spirit Bus along with our marching band, Student Senate, and countless student athletes. Over the course of the day, we hit 14 Cherry Creek feeder schools and got to see the future of Cherry Creek. Seeing all the kids made me remember when I was in elementary school, and one of my siblings gave me my very first Cherry Creek sweatshirt. Seeing all these kids in Cherry Creek gear made me realize how important the Cherry Creek High School is to every single kid that will one day attend. At a handful of schools, we told kids to raise their hands if they planned on playing sports at Cherry Creek, and it was so amazing to see hundreds of hands shoot up over the course of the day. What really hit home for me, was going back to my elementary school, High Plains. It was surreal to see familiar faces from people I hadn't seen in a very long time, and I couldn't believe it when they all said they had been following what I do here at CCSN. High Plains is actually where I got my first journalism gig, as the sports editor of the newspaper. Looks like that ended up alright.

Wednesday night is when the infamous dodgeball officiating controversy occurred. Somehow I ended up with the black and white stripes on, officiating the final two rounds of the annual dodgeball tournament. In the final round, it looked as if the boys soccer team was going to pull out a victory, that is until Senior David Wardlaw stepped over the center line, and another player was hit with the ball - to tie the game, as time expired. Now I called the game as I saw it, and I saw David's foot over the midline, which did cause me to eliminate him from the game. That was not a popular call, but I know it was the right one. What I did not expect was for other teams who had already lost in the tournament, to be so upset that they didn't receive the same calls against their opponents, in their games. It was quite frankly a hysterical situation, but to the people waiting outside for me in the parking lot, please never do that again.

Finally, the dress-up days over the course of the week were so much fun! Below are some of my outfits from the week. For anyone wondering why I was dressed up as an astronaut, the senior class was assigned the 1980s for decades day and the first launch of the space shuttle occurred in 1981.



There is always such a good energy on Fridays at Cherry Creek. But when there's a pep assembly and a football game, the energy is even better! The pep assembly was undoubtedly the best one I've ever been to, and from what I've heard, the vast majority of people agree. From Cheer and Poms, the Step Team, Juggling Club, Men's Poms, a super cool Homecoming Rap, and so much more, it was an event you simply could not miss. The gym was packed more than I had ever seen before, and it for sure got me through the rest of my Friday leading up to the football game. At the end of the assembly when Jonathan Varghese's amazing hype video was shown, I was so impressed. Johnny put the entire film together in just one night, and I hope you can take a moment to watch it if you haven't seen it, or watch it again if you already have.

Friday night's football game ended up being everything I hoped it would be. Leading up to the game, it was expected to be such a good one because the No. 2 and No. 4 ranked teams were going at it, and 6-weeks into the season, both of the teams had shown that they are true contenders. It was even better when you threw in the fact that it was the homecoming game and that former Cherry Creek Dean and Defensive Coordinator was making his return to the Stutler Bowl to play Cherry Creek for the first time since departing. Grandview was making some spectacular plays down the stretch, and had Cherry Creek on their heels a little bit right until the game's end. Another CCSN member, Tyler Tolbert, made perhaps the play of the game when he delivered an amazing hit on Grandview's tight-end who was trying to make a reception, over the middle on 4th and 6. Tyler sealed the deal for the Bruins and was a huge part in getting the win that everyone had hoped for on homecoming.



When I found out I had been nominated for the Homecoming Court, I was shocked. I certainly didn't expect to even be nominated, it was an idea that I had never crossed my mind, and I definitely didn't think I would have any sort of chance to be a finalist.

Well both of those thoughts were incorrect - and after the preliminary vote, I was named a finalist which meant I would get to walk the field on Friday night during halftime. It was a moment I never expected I would have, but one I will forever be grateful for.

My Mom has been sending kids to Cherry Creek for the last 14-years. I don't know about her, but I definitely thought she had seen it as my 3-older siblings had gone thought their 4-years and graduated from Cherry Creek. Well it turns out that not once in 14 years, had she ever attended a Cherry Creek football game. Friday marked her first time under the Greenwood Village Friday Night Lights, in what ended up being an emotional experience for both of us.

I'm so happy that she came and got to see what Friday nights are all about, but also got to escort me across the field. It felt like somewhat of a victory lap, I was with someone I consider to be one of my best friends, and we were sharing a moment that neither of us ever saw coming.

Thank you to Matt Weiss for the nomination along with all those who voted for me, for providing me and my family such a special moment that we will remember for such a long time. Walking across that field with my mom is a feeling and a moment that will stick out when I look back on my time at Cherry Creek.


What a special week to be a Cherry Creek Bruin and a member of the Cherry Creek community. It's weeks like these that reaffirm my belief that the is no greater school out there. I hope everyone has a good week, and a relaxing fall break.

Go Bruins,

Ben Parris

2 comentários

13 de out. de 2021

Benjamin, you never cease to amaze me! Congratulations on your senior year and all of your wonderful accomplishments … and for getting your mom to Stuttler Bow!


12 de out. de 2021

Ben, you’re an exceptional young man and and outstanding broadcaster. I follow CCSN throughout the year. I retired from CCHS over 10 years ago, but you and the crew make it possible for me to continue following and taking pride in Cherry Creek High School and its athletic teams. Thank for sharing your skills. Your reflections on Spirit Week were wonderful! Congratulation! jfort

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